9th Maths 9.1

NCERT Class 9th solution of Exercise 9.1

NCERT Class 9th solution of Exercise 9.2

NCERT Class 9th solution of Exercise 9.3

Exercise 9.1

Q1. Which of the following figures lie on the same base and between the same parallels. In such a case, write the common base and the two parallels.
Sol. :
i) `trianglePDC` and quadrilateral `ABCD` lie on the same base `DC` and between the same parallels `DC` and `AB`.
iii) `triangleTQR` and quadrilateral `PQRS` lie on the same base `RQ` and between the same parallels `RQ` and `SP`.
 v) Quadrilaterals `APCD` and `ABQD` lie on the same base `AD` and between the same parallels `AD` and `BQ`.


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