10th SST Projects
10th SST Projects Like, Share, and Subscribe. Quick links for Maths↓ NCERT Class 10th solution of Exercise 1.1 NCERT Class 10th solution of Exercise 2.1 10th Project Topics 1. How important did the civil disobedience movement prove to be in the direction of independence? 2. What type of industries were there in ancient times in India? Write in brief. 3. Describe the types of soils by showing them on the map. 4. How are industries polluting our water resources? Write an article on this. 5. Write an article on consumer awareness. 6. Write some branded products which we use daily. (Soaps, toothpaste, clothes, electronic items, etc.). Examine which of these products are produced by multinational companies? 7. Describe the various challenges of the democratic system of governance. 8. Write an article about the different parties in the Indian system of governance. 9. Write the contribution of Madhya Pradesh in various movements launched by Gandhiji. 10. Why is the Reserve Bank called th...