9th Maths 4.4

NCERT Class 9th solution of Exercise 4.1

NCERT Class 9th solution of Exercise 4.2

NCERT Class 9th solution of Exercise 4.3

Exercise 4.4

Q1. Give the geometric representation of  `y=3` as an equation :
i) in one variable,  ii) in two variables.
Sol. :
i) in one variable,
Geometric representation of `y=3` as an equation in one variable :

ii) in two variables.
Geometric representation of `y=3` as an equation in two variables : 

Q2. Give the geometric representations of `2x+9=0` as an equation :
i) in one variable,  ii) in two variables.
Sol. :
i) in one variable
Geometric representation of `2n+9=0` as an equation in one variable

ii) in two variables
Geometric representation of `2n+9=0` as an equation in two variables


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