10th Maths Question Bank

Chapter 1 Objective Type Question Answer Q1. Choose the correct option 1. The HCF of `96` and `404` will be a) `120` b) `4` c) `10` d) `3` 2. The HCF of `12` and `15` will be a) `3` b) `4` c) `10` d) `5` 3. Product of numbers `= 32` and their LCM `= 8`, then their HCF Will be a) `4` b) `8` c) `32` d) `256` 4. The HCF of `4` and `7` will be a) `1` b) `2` c) `3` d) `4` 5. For some integer m, every sum integer is of the form a) `2m+3` b) `2m + 1` c) `2m` d) `2m+ 5` 6. The rato of LCM and HCF for the numbers `5, 15, 20` Will be a) `9: 1` b) `4:3` c) `11:1` d) `12:1` Answer 1(b), 2.(a), 3.(a), 4.(a), 5.(c), 6.(d) Q2. Fill in the blanks 1) Dividend = divisor×qutient+_____. 2) The value of HCF of the numbers `8,9` and `25` will be______ . Answer 1. Remainder, 2. 1 Q3. Write True/False 1) Two positive integers a and b, there exist whole numbers q and r satisfying `a = bq+r, 0le r ltb.` 2) A prime factorisation of a natural number is unique apart from the order of its factors Q...