10th Maths 1.3

NCERT Class 10th solution of Exercise 1.1

NCERT Class 10th solution of Exercise 1.2

NCERT Class 10th solution of Exercise 1.4

Exercise 1.3

Q1. Prove that `sqrt5` is irrational.
Sol. :
Let `sqrt5` is a rational number. Then we can take `a` and `b` two co-prime non-zero integers.
Such that 
`sqrt5=frac(a)(b)`, where `bne0`
Therefore, `5` divides `a^2` so we can take `a=5c`, where `c` is an integer.
`b^2`, as well as `b`, also is divisible by `5`.
`a` and `b` both have at least one common factor.
But this is contradiction arisen because of our incorrect assumption that `sqrt5` is a rational number.
Thus, we conclude that `sqrt5` is irrational.

Q2. Prove that `3+2sqrt5` is irrational.
Sol. :
Let `3+2sqrt5` is a rational number. Then we can take `a` and `b` two coprime nonzero integers.
Such that 
`3+2sqrt5=frac(a)(b)`, where `bne0`
Since `a` and `b` are two integers where `bne0`, so `(frac(a)(2b)-frac(3)(2))` is rational, so `sqrt5` is rational.
But this contradiction has arisen because of our incorrect assumption that `3+2sqrt5` is rational.
So, we conclude that `3+2sqrt5` is irrational.
Q3. Prove that following are irrationals :
i) `frac(1)(sqrt2)`   ii) `7sqrt5`   iii) `6+sqrt2`
Sol. :
i) Let `frac(1)(sqrt2)` is a rational number.
Then we can take `a` and `b` two co-prime non-zero integers 
such that 
`frac(1)(sqrt2)=frac(a)(b)`, where `bne0`
since `b` and `a` are non-zero integers 
`b/a` is a rational number and so `sqrt2` is also a rational number.
But it is a contradiction to the fact that `sqrt2` is an irrational number. It is arisen due to our incorrect assumption.
So, we conclude that `frac(1)(sqrt2)` is an irrational number. 
ii) Let `7sqrt5` is a rational number.
Then we can take `a` and `b` two co-prime non-zero integers 
such that 
`7sqrt5=frac(a)(b)`, where `bne0`
since `a, b` and `7` are non-zero integers 
`b/(7a)` is a rational number and so `sqrt5` is also a rational number.
But it is a contradiction to the fact that `sqrt5` is an irrational number. It is arisen due to our incorrect assumption.
So, we conclude that `7sqrt5` is an irrational number. 
iii) Let `6+sqrt2` is a rational number.
Then we can take `a` and `b` two co-prime non-zero integers 
such that 
`6+sqrt2=frac(a)(b)`, where `bne0`
since `a, b` and `6` are non-zero integers 
`b/a-6` is a rational number and so `sqrt2` is also a rational number.
But it is a contradiction to the fact that `sqrt2` is an irrational number. It is arisen due to our incorrect assumption.
So, we conclude that `6+sqrt2` is an irrational number. 


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