Best Books

Best reasoning books for all competitive Examination

S. No.

Book name


About the book


Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning

Dr. R.S. Aggarwal

This book cover UPSC, RBI, SBI, IBPS, PO, SSC, Management, and all other Entrance Recruitment and Aptitude Test


A New Approach to Reasoning

B.S. Sijwali and S. Sijwali

This helpful for all competitive and Entrance Examination.


Analytic Reasoning

M.K. Pandey

This book guides you to UPSC, RBI, IBPS, PO, SCC, Management, and all other Entrance Examination and Aptitude test.


Multi-Dimensional Reasoning

Mishra and Kumar Dr. Lal

This book covers all type of competitive examination and all other Entrance Examination.


Reasoning Book for Competitive Examinations


This helps in Bank PO/Clerical/Specialist officer Examination.









Best Maths Books for all competition Examination.


Book Name

Author/Publisher Name

About Book


Fast Track Objective Arithmetic

Rajesh Verma, Arihant Publications fourth edition (2018)

This book cover UPSC, RBI, SBI, IBPS PO, SSC, Management, and all other Entrance Recruitment and Aptitude Test.


Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations

R.S. Aggarwal/ S.Chand publishing Revised edition (21 February 2017)

This Book covers Exams like IBPS, CWE, BankPO/Clerical/Specialist officers, RRB officers, SBI PO/Clerical/Specialist officer.


Quantitative Aptitude for all Competitive Examinations

Abhijit Guha Education, Sixth edition (25 November 2016)

This book is specially designed for the quantitative or numerical ability section of various competitive examinations. It contains questions at varying levels of difficulty within every topic.  Also the question is based on the largest syllabus of the various competitive exams.


Objective Arithmetic (SSC and Railway Exam Special)

S.Chand Publishing 2 Colour edition(2018)

This book Specially designed for all the Exams Conducted by staff selection commission (SSC) and Railway.


Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation Topic-wise Solved paper for IBPS/SBI Bank PO/ Clerk Prelim and Main Exam (2010-19)3rd edition

Disha Publication Third edition (31 March 2019)

This book covers Topicwise Bank PO/ Clerk Prelims and Main solve problem of Quantitative Aptitude section of Bank Exams-IBPS PO, IBPSD Clerk, SBI PO, SBI Clerk and Specialist officer from 2010 to 2018 (38 papers) The solution of each and every question is provided in detail ( step by step) to provide 100% concept clarity to the students.


Bank PO Quantitative Aptitude Chapterwise solved papers 1999 till date 7500 + objective Questions 2297

Kiran Prakashan 14 August 2018

This book contains Bank PO Quantitative Aptitude Chapterwise solve papers from 1999 Till date with around 7500+ objective Questions in English It covers question from various competitive examinations like CDS, SSC…etc.


Quatitative Aptitude Quamtum CAT 2019

Sarvesh K Verma/Arihant Publications Tenth edition(10 June 2019)

Quantum CAT is considered to be one of the best  Book for preparing Quantitative Aptitude section of CAT exam.


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